The STUDIO is CLOSED for Alterations
Studio Passport Photos – Studio Visa Photos – Studio Headshot Images
Please CONTACT US via Text Message – 0418 742 530 or Email:
We can make Passport, Visa & Citizenship Photos for every country in the world.
Australian, New Zealand, Canadian, UK, Overseas Citizen of India, USA, Irish, Italian and many more.

The STUDIO is on the north side of BRISBANE at my home in CASHMERE.
We photograph and print Passport & Visa photos to suit every country in the world. Adults, Children, Toddlers, Babies Passport Images, Visa Images, Citizenship Images, Job I.D. & Job Resume Photos are our speciality. I can be available 24-7 by appointment to help you with your Passport, Visa & I.D. Photography needs.
Australian Passport Size – Adults & Children from 2 yrs: $20
Other Countries with different sizes & specifications: $30
Passport of Babies (any country) up to 2 yrs old : $30
Digital Passport Image : $30 (emailed to you)
Digital Passport Image : $36 (supplied on a new USB Stick)
Click Here for Passport Photos F.A.Q.
Please contact us via TEXT MESSAGE on 0418 742 530
Please DO NOT RING me because
1) I might be Photographing a PASSPORT in the Studio or
2) I might be driving the CAR or
3) I might be photographing KOALAS here on the property at Cashmere or
4) I might be FEEDING the Kookaburras here & other assorted birds who demand that I feed them.
We have a saying here at Cashmere
The very extensive local WILDLIFE own the place, I just pay the Council Rates.
cheers, Stephen Jones Passport Photographer with over 40 years experience
Studio Passport & Visa Photographs: (all countries catered for)
Baby & Children’s Passport & Visa Photographs : (all ages)
Studio I.D. & Head Shots : (paper or digital file)
Studio Head Shot files for the Web : (optimised for fast loading)
Airline Attendant Resume Photos : (Full length & closeups)
Employment Resume Photos :
Please Text on: 0418 742 530